Journal Entries
<img src="/icons/calendar-month_red.svg" alt="/icons/calendar-month_red.svg" width="40px" /> Weekly Tasks
<img src="/icons/bell_red.svg" alt="/icons/bell_red.svg" width="40px" />
Priorities (Weekly)
- [ ] Meet with my manager and plan our main project
- [x] Hire a new gym coach
- [ ] Plan my meals for the week
- [x] Check my oil
- [ ] Rearrange my dressing room
- [ ] Build a new stand for the kitchen
- [ ] Clean my bathroom + reorganize it.
- [ ] Fix the ceiling fan
<img src="/icons/book_red.svg" alt="/icons/book_red.svg" width="40px" />
Notes for the day
- Need to run errands
- Also to not forget about the ceiling leak
- Tell my brother to fix my phone
- Ask the teacher about the 5th algebra question
- When bringing the secondary laptop, do NOT forget to
- Not forget to book an appointment at the dentist.
- Start a new a TV Show, probably going to be Modern Family
- Do a DEEP cleaning of my room (and also
the bathroom), also clean the Living Room and reorganize it.
- Meet with my swimming partner to plan in advance our training week.